Anyways, things are going well here. I've officially given my last day as May 18th so I've got another two weeks to go. I haven't been up to a whole lot of exciting things, just working, drinking, working, etc etc. One of the patrons managed to scrounge up a bike for the pub so I got to go on my first bike ride in ages a few days ago. It was nice to get back on a bike but not so nice to realize that I'm getting out of shape again. Oh well...only two more weeks until the free food stops and I'll have to start scrounging.
Amy and I out on the town. And yes thats a tap in the fridge door...bloody brilliant!
One of the girls that works at the Shire office had a birthday this weekend complete with a fancy dress party (thats a costume party). It was supposed to be super hero themed but the options for costumes were rather limited so I went as "super cowgirl"...original I know. But it seemed appropriate what with the whole Arizona thing. The party was alot of fun. It was nice to get out and do some dancing and socializing outside of the pub.
The boys doing karaoke.
Since its been five whole weeks in this lovely town I thought I'd do a bit of a retrospective.
Living in Meekatharra has been a very eye opening experience. The first week was alot more difficult than I thought. The bar patrons are very...spoiled, they're used to you knowing what they want and getting it for them the second they want it. It was hard to not take they're teasing personally. After that first week though things got better. I am still amazed sometimes at how presumptuous some people can be. If they don't get a new beer within 5 seconds of finishing their first one they start harrassing you. Not everyone is like that of course, mostly just the older locals who are kind of stuck in their ways. But I get the impression that its sort of a lack of respect towards females issue.
On that impression of Australian guys hasn't been all that great. Of course I've mostly only met miners, truck drivers, and the like but it seems like their views on women are not...respectful. Now I am a barmaid and so I see the drunken, depressed, and stupid part of the population and I'm sure there are plenty of good Australian guys out there but as of now I've only met a select few.
I think when it comes time to leave Meekatharra I will be ready. I miss being able to sit around with a group of friends, get drunk on cheap wine, and have somewhat intelligent discussions. I really miss having that close group of friends that I had in Arizona (yes Meetup! thats you) and in college. Hopefully after I leave here and kind of settle in somewhere for few months I'll be able to find some people that I really enjoy. Until then life in Meekatharra is still good, the money is even better, and people are opening my eyes to the world...and that is what I came here fore isn't it?
Until next time!
We miss you too, Lya- Jenny