14 hour flights = not fun, but its all good cause I'm here in Sydney. I found my CoucSsurfing apartment quite easily and have spent the last day wandering around Sydney looking for free wireless internet.
So far my observations about Sydney are:
-Holy crap its expensive, $4 for a vitamin water, $15.50 to take the train from the Airport on a 10 minute ride to Town Hall Station.
-It kind of reminds me of Disneyland, or at least Darling Harbour does. Mostly because there is a Monorail and "people movers", little toy train looking things that take you around the harbour.
-It feels too much like New York, London...basically every big city I've ever been to. I'm already ready to get out of the city and out into the country or outback.
-Its really really humid. I am going to be one giant pimple in a week, and my hair is already curling. Me and curly hair don't mix.
-Its hard to find free wifi...or at least free wifi that is faster than a snail. McDonalds has it and if you hit it at a slow customer time its pretty fast, Starbucks has it too but I haven't tried there's. It kinda sucks to have to frequent an American establishment to get internet but I guess that's the price we pay for free communication.
In other news, the guy I am staying with, Dean is very nice. We're going to have a dinner party on Thursday with some people we met in the hot tub last night and his french tutor. He's a chef so it should be pretty excellent. I've already decided I need out of the city and have written to several people on HelpExchange asking if they could put me up. A couple named Ant and Jane have agreed to allow me to work for them starting next week and staying till the 24th of March if I want.
I got a cell phone, after sitting forever in Telstra because they couldn't get my credit information. They finally had to give me a prepaid service instead of the monthly one which should be fine as I plan on using Skype more than anything anyways. I guess thats it for now as my computer is about to die and I left my converter thing in the apartment. Hope everyone is doing well and I'll be sure to update when I can find free internet.
Hey - how does it feel to be walking around upside down all the time?